Monday, April 12, 2010

Quick notes

Just a couple of quick notes:

-The basement remodel is in full swing. Sheet rock is on the ceiling, first coat of mud is sanded, wiring is done, should finish ceiling this week or next. Then the bar area, then the painting and trim, then the floors and built ins. No way I'll finish by Mothers Day. Father's Day is more likely.

- Good things to come from this remodel:
   1. Great new basement with bar and a dedicated poker/rpg/gaming area
   2. Great new tv/video game/movie area
   3. Remodel of the Closet of Doom
   4. Remodel of the Workshop of Doom

- Not so good things to come from the remodel:
   1. Remodels are expensive, even when you do it yourself.
   2. I can't get to my Workshop of Doom! so no painting, terrain building, or modeling(its driving me crazy!
   3. Time. It always takes too much time.

So that's why have been quiet.

I did make a good series of purchases at Recruits convention this year.

Got a whole bunch of worthless Mage Knight guys for next to nothing, but got about 12-15 worth rmounting and painting. Got the Epic expansion and Callto Arms expansion for Battle Lore at the Auction along with about 12 decks of Dungeoneer! cards. Whatever that is. Its made by the guys who did lunch money so it should have some promise. Also got a promotional terrain piece that was for store diplay for WarMachine. It has a sewer/channel, and a central bridge. Nice start on a nice small managable table. I think I will spray the underside with low expanding foam spray, and put to on an MDF base. Repaint and flock and bam new table to game on. Its about 2or3' square.

Also picked up a bunch of mini dice from fellow Basement General Greg Moore of Wargame Downloads. thanks Greg. And picked up some good deals on some old RPG books too.

I ran a game of Song of Blades and Heroes friday night and it went well and was fun. It was last minute and kinda rushed. But a good night after all. I think I will be doing a linked set of games for Full Thrust, or a Space then Ground Battle set of linked games for the Fall Recruits. And I think that the Baron and I may be putting on a Commands and Colors/Batle Lore game next to our friend Chris Cluckey from Tulsa.

Chris and his friend Paul, nice chap there, ran a great Commands and Colors game of Carthage vs. the Gauls. The Gauls were on the verg of victory when the Baron crushed his only son (who is 9) and stole the victory. It was great fun and I love this system.

The Baron ran a great Comboys game, Fistful of Lead, which he has written and published. And a very fun VSF game with the GASLIGHT rules, that ended as I my Imperial German Jump Troops escaped with the professor! Take a look here:

Until next time...  


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