Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Brief Update from the Workshop of Doom - 15mm Undead

Thought I would post up some 15mm Undead Army pics since I was clearing them off my phone. Been a while.

Another massive 15mm Demonworld Army. Over 50 units and command.Warriors, spears, bows, zombies, heavies, hvy cav, light cav, artillery, command, heroes and some specials. Not great pics but you can see the massiveness of it all. And these aren't recent, so there are another dozen not shown here.

Group shot before the the specials were done. 2 wings and a center. 
Right Wing 
Left Wing
Just a few of the special sub army groups pictured here. Quick pics on the paint table prior to flocking. These are all specialty troops to add some flavor to the ranks and ranks of standard undead fair.
Burning Legion Troops 

Spectral Legion Troops

Death Hurler and Screaming Skull Catapults

Hero and Legion Command of the Spectral Legion
Undead Mega Giant 
Giant with Leader and Hero for size comparison
More pics when I flock them over xmas break. Later folks.

Based for my own Mass Fantasy Battle Rules.


Monday, January 25, 2016

More Forces of Men for Dragon Rampant

Well, according to my plan, I need to finish about 6-8 units of infantry and cav to finish off 3 Human forces for Dragon Rampant. Over the weekend I started and completed (except for the banner) a 12 man archer unit made from old GW Bretonnians. I do all my bases at one time, so that will be an evening in itself. Here's a couple of quick shots. Enjoy:

The Baron is painting a Chaos force so I need to add a monster or something for those hard hitters. 


Orcs! Orcs! Orcs!

I can hear the cries from the villagers now.

Black Tree Designs had a fabulous Mega Sale on their fantasy figs, and at 50% off, they were really too hard to pass up. And since they have the old skool look and feel of OldHammer, well even better. I am a real fan of the old style Orcs from the 80's and 90's.

Besides pig-faced orcs, I always thought that the change from man sized orcs to ogre sized orcs was a real miscue. I know they wanted to make them more menacing and hulking, but they really just look like steroided freaks. If orcs existed in those universes and were as large and ravening as they are depicted, I don't care how much infighting there is the humans would have been dead long ago. No contest.

So I prefer the man-sized, evil and rangy looking greenskins for my orcs. So a nice sized starter army has been bought or regular and wild orcs to fill out my ranks for Dragon Rampant.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Hello fellow lead addicts. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Years! Hope that it was productive on the family, friends, sanity or miniatures fronts.

While I had big plans, I had a much more modest approach when the rubber hit the road.

Favorite thing about vacation:
Sleeping in and then starting the day with Star Wars Battlefront on XBOX One. look for the ole lead addict creepin around. You'll find him there or still playing Titanfall.

I was less productiove on the finishing projects front, but I was pretty effective in a longer project I have been working on. Reboxing my mini cases. I have found the perfect plastic mini boxes that stack great on my bookshelves. I completed the reboxing and lining of my entire painted collections. So that was a big one.

I also got a bunch of figs built and mounted and ready to prime for Dragon Rampant. I now have a Bretonnian, Undead and Elf army mostly ready, a Dwarf army to be painted, and a Chaos Maruader army ready to be painted. Much fun, even though I swore I would never single base a Fantasy Army again in my life. I do have a bunch of new minis from the Dungeon Saga Kickstarter so an Infernal army isn't out of the question.

Hoping to get some painting done to finish off the Bretonnians or Undead this weekend, then the High Elves. Would be nice to button up those three first, then go to the new Armies.

Look at this plastic production model of Conan from the Conan boardgame Kickstarter. Most excellent. Delivery is way late, but honestly, as long as they take their time and delver what was promised at the quality they promised, I am ok. If they take the Mantic route and hurry everything and the end result is marginal, then what a loss. HEre's hoping...

And I failed to mention we have a new protector in the workshop. Cobbled together from teeth of a hell hound and mostly piss and vinegar we now have Bourbon the Protector running around causing havoc and keeping intruders at bay with the other guardians Barley and Reggie. BE afraid. Be very afraid.

Happy painting gang.