Thought I would post up some 15mm Undead Army pics since I was clearing them off my phone. Been a while.
Another massive 15mm Demonworld Army. Over 50 units and command.Warriors, spears, bows, zombies, heavies, hvy cav, light cav, artillery, command, heroes and some specials. Not great pics but you can see the massiveness of it all. And these aren't recent, so there are another dozen not shown here.
Group shot before the the specials were done. 2 wings and a center. |
Right Wing |
Center |
Left Wing |
Just a few of the special sub army groups pictured here. Quick pics on the paint table prior to flocking. These are all specialty troops to add some flavor to the ranks and ranks of standard undead fair.
Burning Legion Troops |
Spectral Legion Troops |
Death Hurler and Screaming Skull Catapults |
Hero and Legion Command of the Spectral Legion |
Undead Mega Giant |
Giant with Leader and Hero for size comparison |
More pics when I flock them over xmas break. Later folks.
Based for my own Mass Fantasy Battle Rules.