I have been painting a good bit.
I have finished my 28mm SoBH armies for Human High Fantasy, Undead, and started the Wood Elves.
I have done some detailing and painting on my Post Apoc buildings.
And finally, i have gotten sucked into 15mm Sci Fi. GZG, Critical Mass, Khurisan, and a blog called Dropship Horizon have just been too much to handle.
Here's an initial take at the Garn from Khurisan. Alien Reptile/Alligators.

The initial Army is 8 stands of regular Garn troops, 2 stands of heavy support(think miniguns) Garn, 2 Leaders, 4 stands of walker weapon support platforms, 1 stand of Giant controlled Carnisaur, 1 Giant controlled Triceratops, 2 stands of fire breathing Dimetrodons with controller, 1 stand of Giant Stegasaur with side baskets and Grenade launchers, and 2 stands of crazed tribal Lizardmen (partially uplifted).

Garn leader

Garn normal units

I have Critical Mass recon guys to do, Khurisan Karks, GZG Alien Mercs too.
I love this. and upcoming - Space lions/cats and space dogs and space mind flayer squidcrabs.