Had a great couple of games of 28mm Nappys with my bro in-law Al, and his friend Mike.
Mike and Al both have the most beautiful and prolific (and still painting) collection of 28mm Nappy's ever. Its amazing.
Mike graciously hosted us and a great time was had by all. We did French Vs. Austrian and Russian. Played Age of Eagles, the Napoleonic rules based on the original Fire and Fury rules.
I'm not very good at photgraphing and playing, so some pics ara little blurry.
We played two games. First was a starter, get your juices going kinda game, the second had 12 infantry brigades, 4 cav brigades, and associated cannon.
Austirans always look pretty, but the dice gods hate them. The French were gods. and the Russians were salty as hell.
Enjoy the eye candy. All figs painted by Mike.
Heres some of the action: