Monday, January 26, 2009
New Terrain for the Pulp Egypt Project
Hey all. I completed the room and corridor tiles for my Pulp in egypt project. check it out. Click on the Pulp link to the right.

Here's some shots:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
New Terrain Pieces
So to prove the ADD thing, here's a coupleof new terrain pieces i am finishing.

First is a central park to go with my modular block terrain for my Supers, modern city. Too finished to be a part of my Post apoc terrain blocks. could alos be used as a fantasy town garden area.
Second is a guard/lookout tower to go with my Post apocalypse terrain, especially my wasteland desert terrain, that I hope to work on next. Hope you enjoy.
the addict
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New Post on Space Opera Page
Behold the might of the NeoSoviet Dominion!

new post on the Lead Addict Space Opera page. click the link to the right to go to the page and check it out
Monday, January 12, 2009
I have ADD
I must have ADD. I can only stay on a project for a very short amount of time before I am off and running in another direction distracted by something else.
I have way too much stuff in the Closet of Doom. Way too many distraction. Too much good stuff out there and ebay is a curse.

And here is the Corner of Doom where i paint, assemble, construct, etc.
So all that being said, I am making some progress on my list of to do for the winter (though not much).
I am now completely distracted by making some terrain right now. So the pulp stuff has gone on the boxes and I am trying to wrap up a couple of old terrain projects for Modern/Supers and then Post Apoc madness.
And these damn Bretonnian, HighElf, Dwarf, Minotaur, and Necromancer warbands for Song of Blades and Heros are staring me in the face.
Hope everyone is as scattered as me. I know they are not. It would just make me feel better.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Advetures of Missouri Boone - Pulp
Hello fellow adventurers. I have finally taken some pics of a long dormant project that I have gotten the bug for again. The Adventures of Missouri Boone. A blatant rip-off of Indiana Jones and his assorted adventures, anlong with all the pulpy goodness of the Mummy movies, and the Rocketeer, and the diabolical machinations of the pre-war super-science of the Third Reich and their quest for power.

Pics are not great, but are of my painting table in full swing of painting, constructing, and assembling things.
First up, is a series of Adventures in Egypt. I am making a large collection of tomb chamber pieces and accessories. I use Hirst Arts molds, mount them on foam, then paint and detail. the amount of variety in Hirst Arts molds os unbelieveable, and they look great assembled.
Rooms and passages are about half done, with some feature rooms with pools, fire coals, etc. And tons of accessories, pillars, doorways, statues, altars, and a throne. Also added walls and stairs this last go round.
Once the scenery is complete (about 250 pieces) I will finish the first round of intrepid adventurers. Mostly Copplestone and Foundry DA, BoB, but Artizan makes some great stuff as well. And of course all kinds of ressurected bad guys to fight.
Games will be played fully on table top. Probably the game I am bringing to Recruits Convention this spring.
Next Chapter will be China and all the BoB goodness, and the great John Jenkins Design Zombie Terra Cotta Warriors, Dragons, and the mysteries of the far east. And maybe some Axis Menace from Japan thrown in. Got a pretty nice group of Brits already to go.
From there, who knows. Maybe the crypts of Transylvannia to thwart the Reich from getting a hold of a still staked in his coffin Dracula for their experimentation.
If only there were an Abbott and Costello set of minis.
Gaming with Ze Baron over the holidays
Gamed with Ze Baron over the holidays. Supers (Supersystem 2), Mutants and Rayguns, and then a continuation of our WHFRP campaign.
All were a blast, with the roleplaying being very rewarding. I find that as I have gotten older, i am a very suspicious player. I don't even trust a potion vendor to give me a healing potion I pay for. So I grabbed his hand and cut him, then poured some on to see if it would heal him. I am officially old, jaded and cynical.
Check out the after game on the Supers game at
All were a blast, with the roleplaying being very rewarding. I find that as I have gotten older, i am a very suspicious player. I don't even trust a potion vendor to give me a healing potion I pay for. So I grabbed his hand and cut him, then poured some on to see if it would heal him. I am officially old, jaded and cynical.
Check out the after game on the Supers game at
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